Practical Tips To Reduce Your Expectations And Life With Less Expectations

Let's first find out the main meaning of expectation. Expectation is a belief that one believes or expects something will happen in the future, and one also expects someone do to or to give. 
The biggest reason for human frustration and failure is the high expectations of others.  This is more serious in emotional and work relationships. Being able to adjust your expectations of others will make you less likely to be distracted by the relationship. This is also important for the other party in the relationship. Reducing expectations allows you to pay attention to things that are more important.

Don't expect everyone to agree with you.
Everyone deserves to be happy and content in life. You have to get what you want out of life.  So don't let the opinions of others influence you.  Your purpose in life is not to meet the needs and expectations of others.  Nor should you expect others to be subject to your expectations.  If you learn to live your life according to your personal expectations and decisions, you will expect less from others. Be yourself and follow your inner desires.  However, these demands may be strange and frightening. Never compare yourself to others and never disappoint yourself because others are successful in life.  Follow your own path and live according to individual values.

Success is having a happy life based on your desires.
Don't expect them to respect you more than you do yourself
Mental strength is more important than physical strength.  This means trusting yourself and acting on it. So it is better to decide from now on not to base your life on the level of love, respect, and attention of others.

Take a look in the mirror and love yourself.  Decide to be more self-reliant today.  It's important to be good to others, but it's more important to love yourself.
Practice loving yourself.  It makes you feel satisfied and happy. A happy and content person is a friend, spouse, child, co-worker, and a better companion.
Put aside the expectation and need to love others.

You may think you are worthless to someone or that they don't want you. Don't forget that as a human being, you are valuable to many close people and friends.
So try to spend time with people who love you and value you.  Accept that you may not be what you want everyone to be, but you are no doubt dear to some.
In a world where you are always forced to be like others, it is very difficult to be like yourself.  When you are yourself, it is possible that some people do not like you. Someone may be bothering you about the difference.  

But this is a common problem. The things that make you different are the things that make you a character.  But real friends will love you.
Don't expect others to like what you want
Love and respect for others means letting them be like themselves. If you don't expect others to like your expectations, you have to respect them.

Appreciate the relationship, take the time to respect others for what they are. We don't even know half of what they are, and each person's true knowledge contributes greatly to their flourishing.  Every human being is special and different, you just have to understand that. The more time you spend getting to know others, the more familiar you become with them.
Don't expect others to read your mind.
As long as you don't talk to others, others won't be able to recognize your feelings. Others are not mind readers.  

Don't expect your boss to live up to your expectations without telling him.
If you're shy, don't expect someone you love to know about your love. In life, you have to have effective relationships with others.  Many times you have to express what you think and feel.  Many times you need to start a conversation. Say what you have in mind and don't expect others to discover it.

Don't expect others to change
If certain behaviors are important to you and you think they will go away over time, this is to be expected.
It is out of place. If you expect something to change, you need to be honest with yourself.  The other person needs to know exactly what you expect and how you feel.  Most of the time, you can't expect others to change, so you either have to accept them or you have to limit your relationships.
This approach may be painful for you and difficult to accept.  

But remember, when you try to change others for your own sake, they usually refuse.  But if you are a supporter and recognize the freedom of action of everyone, their behavior will be more compatible with you.  Real change is your approach to others.
Don't expect to look good all the time.

Trying to be too kind is our daily campaign.  Remember that people are a collection of good and bad.  What is valuable is to overcome the insecurities and problems of life, not to avoid them.  The support, companionship, and help of others is one of the best gifts of life.
But this support must be completely natural, not out of coercion. We all have common aspirations, needs, and problems. If you believe this, you will make the world a better place. You don't always have to be good.  

But being good should be a part of you.
It is rare for others to behave according to your wishes and expectations. To live a happy and comfortable life, you must learn to expect less from others. Happiness and satisfaction come when you have a positive approach.
Even if a relationship or situation doesn't go your way, it's still a good idea to change your approach.  In this case, you will have the chance to understand and know more.

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