Simple Tips For A Healthy Diet: Healthier Lifestyle

We all want to take care of our body and we try to find ways on this matter. A healthy diet is very important, these days everyone is looking for a better life and higher quality.  Perhaps the first condition for fulfilling this desire is to have a healthy body.  On the other hand, in order to have a healthy body, we must pay attention to what we eat. We must consume a series of essential foods and at the same time minimize the consumption of low-value foods.  In other words, we need to improve our diet and change our current diet to a healthy, balanced diet.  In this article, we want to help you in this regard.  So if you care about your body and your quality of life, read the rest of this article. 

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What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet is a diet that contains the nutrients needed for the body to function properly.  To get proper nutrition, you need to get most of your daily calories from the following ingredients:

Fresh fruits;

fresh vegetables;

Whole grains;



Fat-free protein.

Be sure to read: Everything about the Mediterranean diet.

What are calories?

The caloric content of a food means the amount of energy stored in it.  Your body uses calories to walk, think, breathe, and more.  Everyone needs to get about 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight.

How to have a healthy diet

The core of a proper diet consists of substances that are low in sugar and fat, but rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The following food groups are essential parts of a healthy diet.

Be sure to read: Properties of Vitamins and Minerals;  From vitamin A to zinc.


In addition to being very beneficial for the body, fruits are also one of the delicious snacks.  Always try to eat the fruits of the season;  Because they are new and more useful.


Vegetables are the main source of vitamins and minerals. In general, dark leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, green beans, broccoli, green collard beet, and beet leaves) are more nutritious and can be eaten at any meal.


Today, white flour is used more than any other grain product. Unfortunately, refined white flour has little nutritional value because it separates the grains during the refining process; And this is while this part has the most nutritional value. Therefore, it is better to use whole grains instead of white flour.


Meat and beans are the main sources of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for brain and muscle growth.  Good options for protein include low-fat meats such as chicken and fish. To reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in meat, you can remove the skin and its fats. Animal health and nutrition affect the health of their meat, so try to eat the meat of herbivores that you are sure is healthy.

Other sources of protein include fiber, lentils, beans, peas, almonds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts.  Soy-based products are also good sources of protein and healthy meat substitutes.


Dairy products contain calcium, vitamin D, and other vital nutrients.  Of course, these products also have a lot of fat. Therefore, it is better to use small pieces of high-fat cheese, yogurt, and low-fat or low-fat milk. Vegetable products, such as those made from soy, flaxseed, and almonds, are also great alternatives to dairy products.

Be sure to read: How to reduce stress with healthy eating?


The oil should be consumed in small amounts and it is better to have low fat and sugar. You can use alternatives such as olive oil instead of greasy vegetable oils. It's best to eat less fried foods because they have no nutritional value and are "empty calorie" foods.

The above should be included in the diet. But in order to have a healthy diet and a balanced and appropriate weight, in addition to consuming these substances, you should minimize the consumption of other special substances. These include alcohol, refined grains, solid fats, saturated fats, trans fats, salt, and sugar.

Finally, it's a good idea to ask a nutritionist if you have any questions about dietary changes or weight changes.

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